How important is organic nutrition to effective weight loss and maintenance? Assuming that optimum health includes effective weight loss and maintenance, perhaps it might be helpful to re-frame the question as “How important is organic nutrition to optimum health?” First, let’s review the criteria a food must have to qualify for the USDA organic label from […]
Healthy Vacation Exercise
On vacation … or likely to be on one soon? Last week we talked about Healthy Vacation Eating, and now we turn to another pillar of healthy living, exercise, which can also work well, with a bit of planning and creativity … while on the road. Here’s a list of “The 10 Most Slimming Vacations” (destinations […]
Healthy Vacation Eating
Vacation plans? Or perhaps you’re already on one? Here are some simple reminders that can work with your intention to optimize your health while away from the home front. With a little mindfulness and some determination, you can return home relaxed, unwound, rejuvenated and not tipping the scales in a direction that neutralizes or detracts […]
Deep Relaxation for Health
Relaxed? Maintaining a state of relaxation may be just what you need to get healthy – if you’re not – and stay healthy – if you are. While we often hear that a certain amount of stress can be helpful, particularly when there are completion dates looming for important projects or vitally important matters that […]
Workin’ the Abs
Working abdominal muscles can be a helpful component of a comprehensive fitness plan, which, in turn, will also contribute to weight loss and weight maintenance benefits. As always, consult your physician, use moderation, common sense and ease into any routine if you are out of practice to keep the motivation growing and see the results accumulating over […]
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